Friday, July 18, 2008

Nothing New

I started this blog to document the tree house project. I changed it a little bit to accommodate some of my other projects around the house. But now I have seen that I need to make changes to it again. I now plan on using this page to keep my friends and family up-to-date on some of the things that are going on with my little family right here in Abbeville, SC. I still plan on writing about the different chores I do, and I still want the main focus of the blog to be about the many projects I do around the house but I can't write about not doing anything for weeks at a time b/c it is too hot outside to work.

Okay... Let's get up to speed. The girls are fine. Elizabeth (a.k.a. - BB) will be starting kindergarten in the fall. She is looking forward to going to school 5 days a week and learning how to read and write (better than she already does). Addison is also looking forward to starting pre-school in the fall. She will be going 2 days a week and will be giving Mommy (a.k.a. - Juliann) a much need break, that is if Juliann does not get a job helping out at the school.

Juliann has applied for a full- to part-time position with the school/day care the girls will be attending. We are excited about the proposition. Not only will she be out working with other adults (getting that much needed interaction with someone other than a child for 8+ hrs a day), we will get a discount for the tuition. YEAH!!!

I am plugging away at Safety Stuff. I have been laterally promoted to Safety Officer with my company. I don't get a raise, but I do get to keep my job :-) and that is good enough for me.

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