Monday, February 11, 2008

It seems we will do anything to make our children happy. This seems to be especially true when one of the children is your inner child. I have been working on a personally designed tree house for my 2 girls for the last month and a half.

The structure is free-standing and measures 8' on the up hill side and 9'+ on the down hill side. The deck is 10'X10' with a 3 1/2' counter-ballanced overhang that extends between the trees. Currently there is a tire swing, infant swing, toddler swing, hammock, chair hammock, 2 belt swings, and a trapeeze bar hanging on the structure. The girls are in love with it so far. I can't wait for the days to warm-up a little so I can enjoy the hammock.

There is a ton of work left to do. I have some minor landscaping to do. The ground needs to be leveled-out near the swings. Rocks need to to be removed from the entire property, and bushes, trees, and plants need to be put in the ground. It is definetly a labor of love. I am no carpenter but I am having a great time putting this together.

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