Thursday, February 28, 2008

At a Standstill (AKA - New Washer and Dryer)

Hey Y'all!!!

I am sorry there have been no new pics lately. I am amazed at how the necessities of life will interrupt leisure activities. Unforseen circumstances just come along and the money spending is diverted from what you want to what you need.

Saturday started out as any normal day. The washer was loaded to capacity+ and the first load of the day was started. When it stopped spinning, the washer was unloaded and the comforter was hung outside to dry. The next load was not started until well into the afternoon. When that load was finished, it was put into the dryer. Over 14 hours later, the timer had not advanced and the clothes were not dry. We did not start any laundry until late Sunday evening. Again the dryer did not dry the clothes. The sun came up on Monday morning to another batch of laundry being hung on the back porch to dry.

The sun set Monday night to a new washer and dryer from Lowes being loaded into the back of the pick-up. Thanks to Lowes and Frigidaire we will now be able to go out in public with clean, dry clothes.

I was able to get some work done on the patio. Maybe I can get some pics posted of it, because the construction on the treehouse is now at a standstill.

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