Can you believe the price of food? We had to spend $80 to fill up the van, and now we are spending double on groceries. What is a growing family to do?
I thought about drilling for oil and setting up a mini-refinery at the very back of my yard, but I can't realistically drill for oil. I have been "shootin' at some food" in my backyard, and there has not been any "bubblin' crude... oil that is, black gold, Texas Tea", but I am doing my part to keep us from burning so much gas to go to the grocery store and also to not buy as much while we are there.
A little over a month ago I got a book on gardening from the Calhoun Falls library (they do have a very small library with a GREAT librarian). The book was by Mel Bartholomew, and it was called "Square Foot Gardening". I read it and was instantly converted. Please visit Mel's website for more information on this wonderfully easy way to install and maintain a very productive garden. The web address is -- http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ -- and will give you pictures and info on how to start your own garden. I am sure this sounds like a commercial for FT2 gardening but I assure you it's not - Mel is ETV - so this is actually brought to you by the "GOV'MENT".
So far I have 2-4x4 blocks, 1-1x5 block, and a few 1x1 squares scattered here and there. Out of this I am able to grow:
- 6-tomatoes
- 16-onions
- 1-summer squash
- 1-cucumber
- 1-cantaloupe
- 7-pole beans
- 4-soy beans
- 32-carrots
- 6-okra
- 6-corn
- 2-pepper plants
I don't know if you can tell from the photo, but I still have 8 sqft of space that has nothing in it. As soon as I figure out what to plant, I will fill these spaces. I also have plans on putting in at least 4 more 4x4 beds, but that will be later in the year when it's not so HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures.